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Year 2 (2024)

Croeso i’r Blwyddyn Dau! Welcome to Year 2!


  • PE sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please come to school dressed in school PE Kit.
  • Please could all pupils bring their reaching folder to school every day.
  • Please may all pupils bring a healthy snack to school for beak time.

We have a very busy term ahead, with lots of things planned for all to look forward to.

Every day we pick two children to be the ‘Helpwr Heddiw’. Their job is to encourage the class to speak Welsh. The children really enjoy this important role and are learning new Welsh vocabulary & songs along the way.

Our expedition in Year 2 is ‘999’ which is humanities focused. We will be exploring what London looks like today. We will be writing fact files about our favourite famous landmarks. Also we will be delving into the past to explore what happened to the city during ‘The Great Fire of London’.

During collective worship, we will be learning the Christian values of trust and wisdom. Incarnation will be the focus of our RVE lessons for the first part of the term. We will be discussing the parables and how they show what kind of man was Jesus. During the second half term, we will be looking at the important and difficult different religious and nonreligious people have taken.


In Mathematics, we will be learning place value of numbers to 100 and beyond. Also we will be learning our multiplication tables starting with 2, 5 and 10 and using this knowledge to solve simple words problems. In addition and subtraction we will be using 2 and 3 digit numbers.

 Our first school trip of the year will be to RNLI and Porthcawl museum on 9th October. 


So Year 2 has an action packed term ahead!


Pendoylan CIWPS