Battle of the Dinosaurs
Welcome back! The Spring term is well under way, but I hope you had a lovely Christmas break. I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a ‘Happy New Year’ and thank you for the gifts and vouchers . It was very kind of you all.
Our topic for the term is ‘Battle of the Dinosaurs’. This has a Knowledge & Understanding of the World focus and enables children to explore the historical and scientific world of dinosaurs, including how they lived, when they lived and how they behaved and interacted with other dinosaurs. The children will be given lots of opportunities to move and play in our outdoor area as part of the project. The topic web attached shows you what we hope to do this term.
If you have any resources that will help us with this topic e.g. dinosaurs, books about dinosaurs that you know longer want, we would be very grateful for them.
The children have been working really hard on the ‘phase 1&2 phonics’ and are beginning to pick up the sounds. Shortly we will be sending home a ‘sounds book’ to help reinforce the sounds and help with the formation of the letters.
In the classroom, the children are trying hard to learn their names. I am sure this is something you can help them with, so please try to teach them to start with a capital letter and form each letter correctly (we use the continuous cursive letter formation).
Our PE will continue to be on Thursday morning. Can all children come to school dressed in their PE kit. Please make sure all clothes are labelled clearly.
The children spend a lot of time outdoors so please could you ensure they have a warm coat. Please could all gloves, hats and scarfs be labelled. If possible, could you also keep a spare change of clothing in your child’s bag and return any borrowed clothing items from school.
Finally, the daily snack will continue to be charged at £2.00 per week. This money goes towards snack, cooking resources and craft resources. The amount until the end of term is £26.00 – can we ask this is paid by 18th January.
We will be visiting the National Museum of Wales Cardiff on Thursday 7th February for a ‘Dinosaur workshop’. It will be a half-day trip. More information will be sent out nearer the time. I can take 4 parents with me if anyone is interested (we would need a DBS check form completed).
Thank you once again for your support – please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, or concerns.
Kinds regards
Mrs Collingridge -.Nursery Teacher