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Autumn Term 2024

Croeso!! Welcome to Nursery!!

This term, our expedition themes are “What Makes Us Happy?” and “Seize the Season.” We are engaging in a variety of exciting activities based on these themes while also following your child’s interests.

All the children have settled wonderfully into the Nursery. They are thoroughly enjoying exploring their new surroundings and making new friends! We have a very busy term ahead, filled with plenty of fun and engaging activities for the children to look forward to.

The children have been learning about one another’s families and discovering how each one is unique and special in its own way. Together, we created a beautiful book filled with photographs of our families, which the children love looking through with their friends. It is lovely to hear them talk about the different people in the pictures and share their stories.

In Numeracy, we are learning number rhymes and songs, which the children really enjoy. We are practicing counting objects found around the classroom and placing them on our five frame. Each day, we also count how many children are in our class, helping us understand that anything can be counted. These hands-on activities are helping us develop and strengthen our number skills.

We are also sorting collections of objects based on attributes such as colour, size, or shape. Together, we talk about what is the same within each group and how the objects differ from those in other groups.

Exploring shapes has been another exciting activity! The children especially enjoyed going on a shape hunt around the school. Activities such as counting, sorting, and exploring shapes are helping us build a strong foundation in numeracy in a fun and engaging way.

In Literacy, we are enjoying listening to and sharing stories together. We are working hard to develop our listening skills and have learned so many new songs and rhymes. The children particularly love using the ‘Tap Tap Box!’

We are also drawing and making marks to retell our experiences, which helps us express ourselves creatively. Both indoors and outdoors, we enjoy plenty of opportunities for mark-making. These wonderful experiences are laying the foundation for a love of writing. Every morning, the children practice finding their name, and soon, they will begin learning how to write it too. They are always eager to give it a go!

Additionally, we are working on our Phase 1 phonics, where we are learning to listen carefully, distinguish between different sounds, and have fun with rhyming activities. These early literacy experiences are helping to build essential skills in an enjoyable and engaging way.

We have also been exploring Autumn! We went on an Autumn walk and spotted lots of seasonal changes. One of the highlights was noticing a spider’s web, which sparked our curiosity and inspired us to learn all about spiders. We have enjoyed drawing spiders and even making our own webs!

Since Bonfire Night takes place during Autumn, we worked together to create a huge, colourful firework picture. Everyone contributed to this amazing artwork, using materials and techniques of their choice. We had so much fun painting (and got a little messy too—but our teachers don’t mind a bit of mess!). It was a fantastic creative experience.

In our RVE lessons, we are exploring the first panel, “Creation,” as part of The Big Frieze. The children are creating artwork inspired by their favourite things that God has made. This panel includes many Bible stories, which we will read and reflect on throughout the school year.

Later this term, we will be learning about Diwali, the Festival of Light. Of course, we are also especially excited to begin preparing for our Christmas Nativity.

In Well-being and Emotional Development, we are exploring the Nursery and taking part in lots of exciting activities. We are learning to tidy up after ourselves and even make our own snacks.

We are also building wonderful relationships with our teachers and new friends. Although it can be hard to say goodbye to Mummy and Daddy each day, we are doing so well and growing more confident every day!

We use Seesaw in Nursery to document some of your child’s learning, which you are able to access. This creates effective communication between teachers and parents. You can share comments about your child’s learning, and it also gives you the opportunity to have a glimpse into their week at Nursery. If you have any difficulties accessing Seesaw, please let us know. Additionally, if you would like to share any experiences or places you have visited, you can upload them to Seesaw. You are always welcome to write comments about your child’s work.

Our PE lessons take place on Thursday mornings. Please ensure your child wears the appropriate PE kit (navy shorts/trousers, white polo shirt, and trainers) to school on Thursdays. All items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name to avoid any mix-ups. There is no need to bring their school uniform on Thursdays, as they can remain in their PE kit for the day.

We are so proud of how well the children have settled into Nursery—they have had a fantastic start to the school year! Thank you for your support in helping them transition so smoothly. We are looking forward to an amazing year ahead!

Mrs Collingridge

Pendoylan CIWPS