Autumn Term 2018 Scrumptious
Welcome to Nursery
I am delighted to say that all the children have settled in well and are enjoying Nursery life. Our topic this term will be ‘Scrumptious’ and we will be doing lots of activities based around this theme. You will find a Topic Web attached that shows what we hope to cover during the first term – I hope you find this of interest.
In addition, we will ‘Schoop’ each week to let you know about some of the things we have been doing – we hope this might help you chat to your child about their day/week. To help the children have a greater understanding of this topic, our role play area will be a ‘Healthy Cafe’.
Our PE lesson will be on a Thursday Morning, so please could you ensure that your child has the appropriate uniform (i.e navy shorts, white polo shirt and trainers). All items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name to ensure items do not become misplaced. Please could your child some dressed to school in their PE kit. There is no need to bring school uniform in on Thursdays.
In order to help with the cost of running the Nursery, we do ask for a voluntary contribution of £2.00 per week to help towards the cost of the snack, cooking activities and other resources that we provide. Please could you pay for the first term by September 14th 2018. The amount until Christmas is £28.80 (inset days and half term have been deducted). If your child has any allergies that you haven’t already informed us about, please do let us know.
In the Foundation Phase, we encourage the children to learn in the outdoor environment. Therefore, please can you ensure that your child has a warm outdoor coat!
If you have any concerns or questions, please do feel free to pop in to see me at school. Also, if you still have any outstanding forms please could you bring these in as soon as possible.
Best Wishes
Mrs Collingridge – Class Teacher
Mrs Carr & Mrs Jackson LSA ( learning support assistant)