Author Archives: Kay Collingridge
Dragon Tales
Our topic this term is Dragon Tales. This project has a Knowledge and Understanding of the World focus and enable children to explore the historical, traditional and fantasy world of castles including the lives of people who lived and worked in them during the Middles ages. The children will experience a range of cultural stories, […]
Teeny,Tiny Things
Dear Parents Our topic this Summer half term is ‘Teeny, Tiny Things’. This project has a Knowledge and understanding of the Words focus and enables children to explore details of both the natural and man-made world, using a range of methods and resources to observe tings carefully. We will learn about: How to look for […]
Battle of the Dinosaurs
Welcome back! The Spring term is well under way, but I hope you had a lovely Christmas break. I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a ‘Happy New Year’ and thank you for the gifts and vouchers . It was very kind of you all. Our topic for the term is ‘Battle […]
Autumn Term 2018 Scrumptious
Welcome to Nursery I am delighted to say that all the children have settled in well and are enjoying Nursery life. Our topic this term will be ‘Scrumptious’ and we will be doing lots of activities based around this theme. You will find a Topic Web attached that shows what we hope to cover during […]
The Beach Nursery Summer term 2018
I hope you had a wonderful Easter and are looking forward to the Summer term. Our topic this term is ‘The Beach”. It has a knowledge and understanding of the world focus and enables children to explore plants, animals and materials found on the seashore. During this topic the children will learn about: Plants and animals […]
Spring term – Dragon Tales
Welcome back and happy new year ! The Spring term is well under way , but I hope you had a lovely Christmas break. I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a ‘Happy New Year’ and thank you for the gifts and vouchers . It was very kind of you all . […]
Literacy cafe in Nursery
We thoroughly enjoyed being part of the literacy cafe and having Francesca help us to create some poetry. It started with her reading her own poem about a spell and we shouted the magic word “Abracadabra”! Then it was our turn to try to write our own spell… we were quite creative and came up […]
Shine week in Nursery
In school we have had a ‘Shine Week’ which is aimed to encourage our children to learn more about the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. The Nursery children have thoroughly enjoyed all of the different activities that we planned for them. Throughout the week some of the parents kindly gave up their time to […]
Welcome to the Nursery
All the children have really settled well into the Nursery and are enjoying exploring their new surroundings and making new friends! We have a very busy term ahead, with lots of things planned for them all to look forward to. Our topic this term is ‘Muck, Mess and Mixture’. In Knowledge & Understanding of the […]